Well sports fans, I've just returned from our school's fund raiser night at the 'Donalds, and wanted to post about an extra special little girl.
Today is Abby's 7th Birthday.
I wanted to share some special things about my little lady.
*Abby could dance before she could walk. I used to call her Shakira, cause she can move those hips!
*Abby loves to hang out at her Nana's house (she equally loves her Grandma)
*Abby loves to make her sister scream (there she goes again)
*She loves to have me wash her hair
*When I was pregnant with her, I found out on Halloween that I would be having a girl. My folks were in Utah, we called them while they were eating breakfast...they freaked out.
*My mom would tell me that if she came out a boy, she was going to make her wear pink.
*Abby wore shoes home from the hospital, to this day she is a shoe freak. She gives that chick from Sex in the City a run for her money. Seriously, she is going to have to marry rich just to stay in shoes.
*She has had her Daddy wrapped around her fingers since day one.
*She never burns, she has the most beautiful brown skin in the summer.
*She has brown eyes like her Daddy, the only one of all my kids.
*She can't wait (but I can *wink) to grow up, get married in the temple and to have lots of babies. She loves babies. She always wants to know when I'm having another one.
*She tries my patience everyday, but I don't love her any less for it.
*She seems to have alot of self-confidence, but she is actually very shy and very critical of herself. We are always trying to get her to understand how wonderful she truly is.
*She's the middle child and with it comes all the typical middle child behavior.
*Her middle name is Renee. Not after anyone, just sounded pretty.
*We have a great, great, great aunt or something (Puritan times) on my dad's side named Abigail. We didn't know that until after we had her.
*I considered spelling her name Abigayle, since my mom's middle name is Gayle. I wanted her to be able to find her name on one of those little license plates. She's never gotten one, but hey, she could.
*Right now she thinks she's going to marry a Jonas brother...but what little girl doesn't think that?
I love my Abby!!!!!!!!!!! Enjoy a few pics of her!