Here are some pics I have been meaning to post. Enjoy!

This is Abby in all her Kinder-graduation glory. Isn't she a doll?

Here she is amongst all the other kiddos. They were very official.

This is how we swim in the ghetto. Okay, we do have a bigger pool that James' hadn't fixed at this time, so in an effort to keep cool, Abby and Johnathen kicked it old school in chonies and everything.(also on a side note, the house you can see in the picture is my MIL's. We live next door to each other. I rarely see her. She is scared of me because I am an white lady LOL)

This is Johnathen writing his name on the wet cement with chalk. I love to do that. The colors are so vivid. I'm proud of this little guy. He has gone through alot and still has a sweet little spirit.

This is how all the American Idol's started, singing into a hose in their chonies in a ghetto pool.

And finally, very belated, but a shout out to my hubbie for Father's Day. If you have ever noticed, James isn't featured a whole lot on this blog. As you can see I have to sneak pics of him, so almost every picture I have of him is taken profile. But, I have to say I am so blessed to have him. He does more to make sure our family is taken care of. He does everything he knows how to show me how much he loves me, and he's learning how to express himself more everyday. He took me to the Temple, and for that I am eternally grateful (get it? JK) I am so blessed to have him as the head of my eternal family. Love you baby!