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Monday, May 12, 2008

Back to being hungry...

So, after an amazing weekend of actually eating, I'm back to my diet again. *sigh* I have to say, I ate a little more than a should have, but I didn't completely wreck my diet. I just have to be extra good now! Saturday morning, when I weighed myself, I was down 17lbs. Pretty good. I started April 22.

On a side note, I had a wonderful Mother's Day. I hope everyone else did too. I can't show you what James got me since it does not exist. Okay, not totally. We did go to Wal-mart and he purchased me a cuddly panda from the movie Kung Fu Panda. He has a squishy belly.

I'll cuddle with him on Friday when James goes to the Father/Son Camp out. I'll miss his squishy belly. Oh, don't tell him that, tee-hee! Just the missing him part, he already knows about the belly. We match, that's why we work.

I also purchased a couple things for myself, from yup, you guessed, Etsy. And yes, they are handmade! I make sure! Vintage, ha!

P.S. Speaking of vintage, Indiana Jones has invaded our home. We spent many hours watching the movies (they were on USA this weekend) looking up stuff on the web, and telling Joey he doesn't need the hat to go with his whip (it's just the toy one, but it does make cool whip-cracking noises and plays the Indiana Jones theme-wicked neat!). Can't wait for the movie!

1 comment:

Amie said...

17 pounds. That is frickin' amazing!! You rock!